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Department of ICC

Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)


To provide a safe working environment today all workplaces in India are mandated by application of the law.

Sexual Harassment of Women in the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act 2013 was enacted to ensure safe working places for women and to build an enabling work environment that respects women’s right to equality of status and opportunity. This act is an extension of the Vishakha Guidelines issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court.

As per the orders issued by the Government of India from time to time on women’s issues to all organizations, the statutory committee is constituted to be named the Internal Complaint Committee (ICC).

ICC of Shivaji Science College, Nagpur is constituted as follows: 

• Prof. Rashmi Urkude - Presiding Officer

• Prof. R.N. Deshmukh - Member

• Mrs. Anupama Mendhe - Member

• Adv. Asavari Palsodkar - Member

• Dr. A. G. Bhivgade - Member

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Shivaji Science Nagpur

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Address : Congress Nagar, Nagpur - 440012 (M.S.) India.

+91 712-2423432